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In-House Funds

With over 20 years’ experience working with fund managers and professional investors in the region, we have gained a deep understanding of the needs of both sides. The demands of investors, the culture and corporate structures fund managers thrive in, as well as the regulatory boundaries.

This led to the natural progression to house our own hedge fund manager within Peak. With strong connectivity, shared values and complementary expertise – Peak provides the infrastructure to hedge fund managers wanting to set up their own fund.

Stone Owl

Stone Owl Global Equity Long Short Fund

A concentrated, high conviction global equity portfolio, with a bias towards Hong Kong and China

The fund is managed by Patrick Brothers, combining his extensive corporate experience and insight with his experience at a US$2 billion US Hedge Fund. His excellent idea generation is underpinned by deep fundamental research. He is personally invested in the portfolio, aligning his interests with investors, committed to generation excellent returns over the medium term.

  • Run by an experienced stock-picker, seeking the best long-short equity opportunities in the years ahead

  • High conviction ‘best ideas’ portfolio aiming to outperform the broader market

  • Geographical allocation is defined by identifying the best opportunities, rather than a strategic function of the portfolio

  • Individual stocks move dramatically due to their own fundamentals,
    regardless of market direction. A long-short strategy enables investors to benefit from the winners, and better insulate their portfolio from the losers

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